Well this was a big project that I really really wanted to do. It's Mikayla's nap mat. It's the kinder mat that I bought and then I made a cover and added a pillow to it. It was fun, challenging but fun. I didn't have a pattern so it's a bit snug/short...but it seems to work (we'll see how long it lasts) but it's really cute. Mikaya picked out the fabric and we just went from there. I intend to embroider her name on it but I just don't think it's going to happen before school starts...we'll see.

Open it up and viola - cover and pillow :) (and the bottom is always the bottom so her face won't go on the pillow where feet have walked on the floor.... that grosses me out) the top is the top and the bottom is the bottom! always the same.

I just need to add a strap to keep it shut and then it should be all set.