Monday, June 27, 2011

Mod Podge

Well I love MOD PODGE, I can't find enough to do with it but belive me...I'm learning....and will be playing with it from now on!!!! So many fun things to do with it.

One of my first DIY decorating projects is below, I took some foam board (recycled from work) and cut it to 11x11 squares, I then took my favorite paper stack and covered the foam boards, this section of the wall will not look like this when its done....but here is a start :)

It's Twilight at my house.... Michael did say that I can't hang a poster of Edward.... darn it anyway!!!


Pomander balls

Mikayla and I have been working on a new project to make some pomander balls for the scrap/game room is another round of my DIY decorating.

So we start with thousands (literally) of coffee filters - take three to four at a time, gather them and staple the bottom.

My extra set of helping hands!

Next we dye them, for the tan ones I used a tea stain and for the pink ones, I used the same tea stain and added red food coloring (they did not stay this dark).

Then because of the humidity here, they took about 3 days to fully dry, then I opened the filters, to make them to make a "flower"

I then took the "flower" and pinned it to a 3 inch styrafoam ball - the more flowers you use, the fuller the ball will be. I used between 25-30 flowers per ball

The finished in real life - they are spaced evenly the picture doesn't show that.